OFFERS/ ReIntegration Session (a guidance on life Initiation)

Discover the hidden stories of your soul, the messages it wants to manifest and access the keys to your destiny.
There are two essential elements to understand to our aches and emotions :
It is necessary to bring to light what the soul needs to convey, i.e. the initiatory nature of the situation,
Then undo blockages and harmonize them, at the level where they are (physical, emotional, spiritual, childhood, karmic , transgenerational...)
This is what this session is for.
More than an energy healing,
this session which can combine various modalities; it will give you keys to understand what is going on (understand what you are going through), to harmonize it in order for you to own it (we have our share of responsibility in this we do with our life), and make choices accordingly.
I read the souls, the energies that cross them, what they seek to express, from a past life (karmic level) or present, family history, to bring back the lessons, and harmonize the blockages.
At the crossroads between energy healing, mediumship, karmic therapy, divination, shamanic practices, this session:
will enable you to put words on the pains, and have clarity;
will give you keys, tools to decode and understand what you are going through;
will help you make choices on your path,
will bring you an influx of energy, a re-harmonization of imbalances, to relieve pain, emotions and beliefs, and allow vital energy (prana, qi) to circulate freely.
Note: this work, like the others, does not in any way replace a consultation and a medical opinion, nor do I intervene in your medical treatments.
Minors will be received with a parent; for a work in dowsing the report will be made to the parent(s).
Rééquilibrer les corps subtils
Je ne travaille plus beaucoup par modalités, elles se fondent pour s'adapter au mieux à ce dont vous avez besoin, selon là où se trouve la racine du problème, et pour vous apporter des clés de comprehension afin de conscientiser tout ce qui se trame, l'harmoniser pour pouvoir vous l'approprier (nous avons notre part de responsabilité dans ce que nous faisons de nos difficultés) et faire des choix en conséquence.
Je lis les âmes, les énergies qui les traversent, les chakras, ce que l'âme s cherche à exprimer, d'une vie passée (niveau karmique) ou présente, l'histoire familiale, pour en rapporter les enseignements, et harmoniser les blocages.
A la croisée des chemins entre harmonisation énergétique, médiumnité, thérapie karmique, divination, pratiques chamaniques, cette séance :
Vous permettra de mettre des mots sur les maux, d'y voir plus clair ;
de rééquilibrer les corps subtils,
vous donnera des clés pour comprendre ce que vous traversez et votre mission de vie,
vous aidera à faire des choix sur votre chemin,
vous apportera un afflux d’énergie, une réharmonisation des déséquilibres, pour soulager des douleurs, des émotions et croyances limitantes, et permettre à l’énergie vitale (le prana, le qi), de circuler librement.
Note : ce travail, comme les autres, ne remplace en aucun cas une consultation et un avis médical, je n'interviens pas non plus sur vos traitements.
Les mineurs seront reçus avec un parent.
L'âme conserve l'empreinte des traumatismes des vies passées"
- Stéphane Allix
This session will suit you if
you want to see further and make the invisible speak,
you want to understand what is on your way, and meet your destiny,
you are open to the subtle world,
you feel responsible for your life and your choices,
you feel you are on a personal journey and want to do something about it.
On the other hand, it will probably not suit you if
you expect me to 'channel' the choices you need to make,
you think a session will bring Prince Charming to your doorstep,
you see healing as something in which you remain passive.
If you are interested in this session, click on “Book”.
After payment, you will receive a link to make an appointment.
Specify whether it is for a face-to-face session in Toulon or online.
Price 110€/ session of 1h15

I was looking for a way to regain my energy: I was very tired (professionally intense period), migraines and digestion problems.
Working with Claire brings something different (different from what I can receive through other alternative approaches) while bearing on concrete and physical planes, and on others much more subtle._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
I was quite amazed by what Claire was able to perceive during this session: external things which concerned a serious incident in the professional field, and internal things, like my intolerance to certain waters._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
Our exchanges allowed me to take a step back and thus have less stress, a slightly different look at what I live and what my body expresses. This gives me another reading grid, very enlightening. Physically: the session improved digestion and fatigue: I recovered energy.

A session
After payment, you will receive a link to make an appointment.
Specify whether it is for a face-to-face session in Toulon or online.
Price: 110€
Duration: 1h15

Pack 3 sessions
It is often necessary to do several sessions to get to the bottom of things, a blockage can have several roots. So I offer you a pack of 3 sessions, to undo them, dig deeper into the lessons and reharmonize the energies.
Price: 300€
Not sure what you need?
Let's start with a free 30-minute consultation to identify your needs.
Need to know more about me before? Click here.
My approach
As I progress, one element seems essential to me: our incarnation teaches us throughout our lives, sometimes, often even in pain, because life is unfair. But she is beautiful. And by understanding the meaning, it is possible for us to make them our own and find a path of coherence.
I work on the different physical and subtle planes: as we remove the blockages, other elements can be brought to light, then it is an energy contribution that will help to restore imbalances, ' restart the machine.
My journey
The common thread of my life has been to understand. Understand how the world works, relationships, humans, animals, where do we come from? is what we see the whole reality? All spiritual mouvements mention an invisible world, some perceive it.
I've been looking for meaning through different experiences, around the world, meeting others, and myself, because you can't establish a relationship with others if you don't already have a relationship to self.
After ten years in a large auction house between London, Paris and New York, I felt the need to get closer to my values, to confront my truth. A personal quest led me to join an international humanitarian organization to spend ten years there too, in conflict zones. I was confronted with situations of extreme violence, which to me showed the end of life, absolute emptiness. The need to find a way out led me to discover meditation in 2010 (I did several Vipassana meditation retreats). It was a turning point in my life and opened the doors to a spiritual path for me.
Since then I have continued on this path, with numerous courses and trainings in yoga, qigong and meditation, as well as energy work. I was brought to shamanism during a regression in 2018 and the encounter with this bear that took me a few years to tame. !Very deep, mystical experiences allowed me to feel how we are part of a whole, how we are connected, to feel, to live this 'I AM' of the supreme consciousness, to find a deep connection to the sacred.
I returned to France in 2018 to accompany those who are on the personal and spiritual journey, to accompany this changing world.
I explore the depth of the souls, the energies the way I have traveled the world; I have at heart to seek, experiment, improve myself to serve you. Apart from regular training, there are my personal practices and experiments, my readings and learnings of various courses, conferences of international teachers.
It's not a job and not really a career; it is my calling, my vocation.
It is healing in a broad sense, the healing of the world; it goes through the healing of men adn women. Sometimes the healing of animals and places, because they also have an energy imprint, memories that will have to be cleared.