If you are, or wish to become, an entrepreneur, solo-preneur or head of a larger structure, you undoubtedly face the subject of the implementation of your inspiration, your intuition or your visions, your company's development strategy and sales.
You have certainly searched, and found, a lot of advice on the best strategy, maybe even “the” secret, “the” method that will work this year (sic). We are all regularly the target of marketers who have found THE solution! You may have subscribed to one of these coaching sessions on “the” miracle method, or taken a masterclass that promises you will make €10,000 next month from scratch.
Perhaps you have found a coaching or marketing approach that seems more reasonable to you, but you are still struggling to stand out and make a living from your activity, you struggle to get started or to finalize your offer / your project. You feel like you're aligned and don't understand why your business doesn't reflect it.
Why is it so frustrating?
Having an idea, an intuition, even a clear vision of what you want to do is one thing, building a successful business is another. Even when we are aligned with who we are, entrepreneurship requires for most of us difficult learning and makes us question what we do.
Entrepreneurship offers one of the greatest opportunities for personal and spiritual development, an opportunity to align with who we are, because by doing this, we have total freedom to do what suits us, to create the way that suits us, at the pace that suits us. Also, we are fully responsible.
Finally, it is something highly personal, individual, that appeals to our way of functioning at a soul level.
The choice of strategies to implement is vast, the internet is full of information and resources. But we must also be aware that we are not all made to function, nor to manifest, on the same model.
Often, especially for conscious entrepreneurs, adopting other people's techniques is not going to be as effective as it is for their creators, especially solutions sold as miracles like "what will work this year when all other strategies are dead", or “the only thing that works”...
What to do
It's about finding your essence, your way of operating, what suits you as an entrepreneur and matching it with your products and services, your marketing, your sales processes, financial aspects etc.
This combination is unique, and the Akashic records allow us to find it.
Existing advices and models can serve as inspiration, especially since there are many resources and many ways to develop your project and business.
Moreover, it is also necessary to understand that a company is built over time and work, it develops with concrete methods and actions, step by step. The important thing is to make regular progress towards consistency in order to be able to keep up with the pace of development. Also because you evolve at the same time as your company; there may be a point your services will have to change because you will have changed.
How I can support you
Through the reading of the Akashic records, we will approach the way you function as an entrepreneur. It is your energy that is reflected in every aspect of your business. Therefore if you have blockages, or are going through a difficult time, this may be reflected in your activity (sometimes indirectly).
When reading your services / products, marketing etc, I identify what suits you, or not, in order to achieve your intention, and may suggest what to consider changing. The work is therefore quite specific.
If I'm not a business development coach, I still use what I have learnt personally and can tell you where to find consistency, help you think and find ideas to help you adjust your offer.
Entrepreneurship is also often about inner work, going beyond your blockages - maybe you have an idea, one or more projects, but you have a blockage and cannot go to the implementation stage. I also guide you on this path.
My responsibility is to give you your creative power back, to guide you with what I do: intuitive guidance based on what is in harmony with what you are.
You too can make a living from your business!
About the program : Akashic Readings for Entrepreneurs
A session often starts with a discussion about your activity, and most importantly, your intention - especially in terms of income, because any intention in the field of entrepreneurship manifests itself in financial terms. (It goes without saying that this information is confidentia.)
The first session is a reading of your akashic records as an entrepreneur, on your functioning, your resources, and a general review of your business, or your project: the areas that are the most, and / or the least aligned. This will help set priorities for the future.
At the end of this session we will have a global vision of your activity: if your objective is achievable, how, and if necessary, what needs to be adjusted for it to become so.
It may be that during this reading blockages appear on a personal level, which negatively affect your business. I will offer you at this time an Initial Akashic reading in order to bring them to light, and to remove them. As part of a business package, this personal reading is at a reduced rate of €150 instead of €190.
In the following sessions, we will address each of the different areas of your business one by one to see if they are in harmony with who you are at soul level and what needs to change to stick as much as possible to your intention. These areas are:
The products/services you sell, including the financial aspect,
Your marketing and communication processes,
Your sales processes,
Your customers,
The people you work with (i.e. your employees, consultants, partners),
The systems and processes in place.
I will suggest changes on the elements that are not aligned. These sessions are actual conversations 'live' on what suits you - this is the most exciting part where you can create, adjust what you want to set up !
The recommendations and elements that I will give you will be very concrete - The more concrete your project, the more concrete the recommendations.
After this work, you will be able to set up an offer that suits you, in the way that suits you.
Thereafter, you can come back with a project, a new idea, a partnership proposal, and do an ad hoc session, in order to stick as closely as possible to who you are.
This program will allow you to combine personal / spiritual development and develop your business and marketing skills, including:
adapt your strategy to be effective, according to what suits you,
clearly set priorities,
understand what works, what doesn't work for you,
have a marketing and communication strategy consistent with who you are,
refocus on what suits you and thus avoid dispersing yourself,
put in place the necessary actions to have regular growth.
have a clarification on your partners and collaborators.
All this can also be done for one or more projects, and not only for existing businesses.
This program may be for you if
you are starting your business and want to go straight to the point,
you are aware that everyone is not made on the same model,
all your personal and spiritual development is not enough to implement your vision,
you have a project and want to know how to set it up,
your business is running, but you want to develop other services or products, or you have the impression of blockages, what you are doing is not giving the expected results,
you have taken several classes or coaching but are still having trouble moving forward as you wish,
you are about to launch an offer, a service and want to determine the best way to do it.
On the other hand, it is probably not for you if
you expect me to draw and write your offer for you,
you want templates, a schedule, and ready-made recipes,
you think this is going to be the solution to reach 5 figures of monthly turnover in 2 months starting from very little.
My approach is one of ethical, authentic marketing for myself and my clients. I won't make you false promises by selling "the" solution to triple your turnover in 1 month, but I will guide you to find your consistency, build, and develop a business with solid foundations according to what suits you.
Prices :
Global Business Analysis: €190
Any subsequent 1 hour session: €65
Package (Global analysis and 6 sessions on each theme): €550
1 global analysis and 6 sessions (on each theme) - €550

credit Patrick Scheider @unsplash
My approach
I work on the various physical and subtle planes, along with spirit guides. As we remove the blockages, other elements can be brought to light, then it is an energy influx that will help to restore imbalances and disharmony, help 'restart the body '.
My journey
The common thread of my life has been to understand. Understand how the world works, relationships, humans, animals, where do we come from? is what we see the whole reality or is there more ? Ancient spiritual approaches and religions tell us of an invisible world, spirits, energies... some perceive it.What are they and how do I approach them ?
I searched for meaning through different experiences, across the world, to meet others, and myself - as one cannot establish a relationship with others if one does not already have a sound relationship to oneself.
Extremely violence and conflict situations led me to meditation (I have completed several Vipassana meditation retreats), and very deep experiences. Meditation opened the door to my path, helped me to put words on my quest and made me feel whole and understand how we are all part of one consciousness, we are all connected. I delved deeply into the one unified consciousness, the essence, as ‘I AM’. I deeply felt unconditional love and forgiveness for all things that are.
I had several trainings, all complementary, in spiritual development, energy work, to dedicate myself to healing and transformation, to be closer to oneself. It is what drives me, my passion, what inspires me.
It is healing in the broad sense, healing of the world; it goes through healing of the human kind. Sometimes the healing of animals, places, because they also have an energy imprint, memories.
Not sure what you need?
Let's start with a free 30-minute consultation to identify your needs.
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