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by Claire Peltier
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Soul explorer,

Intuitive guide to the Being,

Humans, animals and places

Credit Fabian Jones

You face blockages, feel pain, fatigue, emotional imbalance, psychic burnout, you feel you cannot move forward on some life situations or issues,

Or you wonder about life, have questions about your life, you aspire to something else, something bigger. 

Ces sujets vous intéressent ? J'en parle dans mes newsletters pour vous donner des outils - une offre spéciale pour vous vous attend en bienvenue !

How to move forward

The world is changing at an unprecedented speed, it is shaking us up. We see it through climate change, but more than that: there is a wave of societal and individual change. These are women and men who every day set out on the path to greater coherence. 


The world of tomorrow is set up by our actions, individual and collective, by everything we carry.


This requires everyone to overcome their blockages, to find their inner strength, the keys to overcome what arises, in our personal lives but also in the collective. There cannot be a collective without individual and inner realization. Therefore, finding your compass, finding the keys to moving forward is essential. 

In reality, lifeteaches us, initiates us.


But it's not always easy to find your way, to understand what yous have to make this experience, overcome our blockages, our pain.

"Perpectives" : Réservez une séance offerte

Je vous invite à une séance 'perspectives / insights' offerte, d'une heure.

Nous parlerons de vos questionnements et souhaits, vous ferez l'expérience de mon approche, concrètement. Vous pourrez décider ensuite si cela vous convient, ou pas.

Cette heure est pour vous.

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Regain confidence

The era we are going through  asks us to (re)connect to what drives us, to our soul, to that part of the sacred in us that carries a deeper aspiration. It's about healing and opening up to consciousness.

My name is Claire, I work with clients in multiple dimensions, on different timelines, serving people to heal and grow at the individual level as well as to contribute to lasting changes in this evolving world. I am passionate about the depth of the Being, of the Living, the complexity of what we go through, and life which brings us to our destiny.  

Pour cela j'accède à d'autres dimensions de la conscience, là ou se trouvent les blocages et les clés de nos resources : karma, vies antérieures, parfois des futurs non avérés, esprits de la nature et des animaux, entités non incarnés, et ce que le corps manifeste par des maux


Mon chemin est celui du sacré, du divin que l'on trouve en nous.


Je suis passionnée par la profondeur de l’être, le vivant, la complexité de ce que nous traversons, la vie qui nous met en chemin.

Personal transformations and a spiritual path since 2006 have allowed me to open up to my abilities and set up my accompaniments thanks to various training courses in energy, shamanic practices,   dowsing, as well as the yoga, qi gong and meditation, which are my pillars, give me my posture.

Wondering if this is right for you? I invite you to discover it by clicking here

If this speaks to you, I invite you to book an appointment for an Assessment. In this free 30 minute session we will talk about your situation, what you have done and what you need. 

My Core Values

They are my compass, my guides.

Mes Valeurs

Credit Colton Strickland

Let's keep in touch:  subscribe to my newsletter, and you will receive my perspectives, advice, offers; it is also there to connect ! Feel free to reply when you feel like it.

See you soon, 



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