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Perspectives / Insights : séance offerte

Une rencontre pour parler de vos questions et voir mon travail.

    Service Description

    Durant cette rencontre en ligne d'1 heure nous aborderons ce que vous traversez, ce qui bloque, ce vous souhaitez. Vous bénéficierez d'un travail (lecture intuitive ou harmonisation énergétique) et pourrez voir ainsi si mon approche vous convient. Cette séance est gratuite.

    Cancellation Policy

    Pour annuler votre réservation, merci de nous contacter 24h à l'avance. Pour toute annulation passé ce délai, la séance restera due.

    credit Petr Vysohlid @unsplash

    My approach

    I work on the various physical and subtle planes, along with spirit guides. As we remove the blockages, other elements can be brought to light, then it is an energy influx that will help to restore imbalances and disharmony, help 'restart the body '.

    My journey

    The common thread of my life has been to understand. Understand how the world works, relationships, humans, animals, where do we come from? is what we see the whole reality or is there more ? Ancient spiritual approaches and religions tell us of an invisible world, spirits, energies... some perceive it. What are they and how do I approach them ?


    I searched for meaning through various experiences, across the world, meeting human beings, and myself - as one cannot establish a relationship with others if one does not already have a sound relationship to oneself.


    Extreme violence and conflict situations led me to the path of meditation (I have completed several Vipassana meditation retreats), and very deep experiences. Meditation opened the door to my current path, helped me to put words on my quest and made me feel whole and understand how we are all part of one consciousness, we are all connected. I delved deeply into the one unified consciousness, the essence, expressed in ‘I AM’. I deeply felt unconditional love and forgiveness for all things that are.


    I had several trainings, all complementary, in spiritual development, energy work, to dedicate myself to healing and transformation, to be closer to oneself. It is what drives me, my passion, what inspires me.


    It is healing in the broad sense, healing of the world; it goes through healing of the human kind. Sometimes the healing of animals, places, because they also have an energy imprint, memories.

    Not sure what you need?

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    Need to know more about me before?  Click here.

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